Hospitality Business Magazine

Businesses allowed to prepare for Alert Level 3

The New Zealand Government has announced it is okay to go into your business premises now to do the minimum to begin preparing for Alert Level 3 and has produced the following guidelines:

Businesses and other organisations can only:

  • clear, unpack and sort freight
  • clean your premises, and 
  • rearrange your workplace for physical distancing between workers. 

Regular maintenance, and preparing for click and collect should wait until Alert Level 3 is implemented.

You can travel within your region to prepare. You cannot travel to another region to go into your premises until Alert Level 3.

Bringing employees in to help prepare

You can ask the smallest number of workers possible to come in to help prepare, if you are meeting all health and safety and public health requirements for Alert Level 4.

Everyone must stay 2 metres apart, and follow appropriate hygiene measures.

Remember that Anzac Day is this weekend, and the normal Holidays Act rules apply.

If you are concerned about your employer asking you to return to work

If you do not believe the activity is necessary, or you do not believe your employer is meeting the health and safety and public health requirements, you should raise your concerns with them.

Employers need to engage their workers’ views on how best to manage risks for workers.

If your concerns are not addressed, you may wish to escalate them to your health and safety representative, union or WorkSafe.