Hospitality Business Magazine

Central Otago Polytechnic Wins Top Culinary Competition

rsz_otago_11016_128Otago Polytechnic Cromwell Campus students Erin Fenemor, Emma Evans and Ashleigh Kerr have proven that when the ‘heat is on in the kitchen’ it is no barrier to success, after they won the top award at the prestigious 2014 Nestlé Toque d’Or competition.

For over three hours, Erin and Emma battled it out against 22 other top culinary students from around the country to create their award-winning three course menu. Serving up the dishes to a table of VIP guests, was the job of the team’s restaurant service competitor Ashleigh.

Throughout the live kitchen cook off, the pressure was intense as the team fought against the clock and under the ever present gaze of a team of industry judges. Any slip up by the team would be duly noted by the judges and marked as lost points.

The panel of 19 judges was led by high profile chef and leading culinary figure Paul Jobin. Making up the judging panel were top hospitality industry personalities including: Geoff Scott who is the chef and owner of Vinnies by Geoff Scott; and Jeremy Schmid – former owner and head chef of the multiple award-winning Two Fifteen Bar and Bistro in Auckland.

After tallying up the results, the Otago team was declared the overall winner at a special Awards function held at the Villa Maria Estate in Auckland.

This is the first time that the Otago Polytechnic has taken out top honours to receive the coveted ‘golden hat’ award. The annual event is a firm fixture on the culinary calendar and is hotly contested by the country’s leading hospitality institutes.

Erin Fenemor said she and her team mates were elated to have won the competition, after having given up so much and trained so hard for the event.

“We put in hours of training in the lead up to the event, juggling work and study commitments and forgoing all sorts of social activities in a bid to win the competition. On the day, that training and effort paid off with a menu and service delivery that scored top marks.”

The team praised their tutors who had mentored them throughout the process and supported them in their bid to win the award.

Otago Polytechnic Senior Chef Lecturer Roydon Cullimore who was both chef trainer and manager of the team said he was thrilled that the team had won.

“Achieving top ranking at Nestlé Toque d’Or is a major achievement in hospitality circles. Not only does it immediately set the students up for rewarding careers it also signifies that the institute where they trained at is a leader in its field,” Roydon said.

“On the day, the competition was intense as we were up against the very best from around the country. To have helped our students to really stand out is both a huge victory for us and worthy recognition of the high level of talent we were up against.”

Roydon said success in a live cook off is all about timing, maintaining composure when the pressure is on and working seamlessly as a team.

“If just one thing is out on the day, then failure is inevitable.

“Fortunately, for us all of those key ingredients came together like clockwork leading to the delivery of a flawless menu.

“This win will help to further cement the Otago Polytechnic’s reputation within the hospitality industry as being a top education destination for people looking to pursue a culinary or restaurant service career.”

Event organiser and New Zealand Chefs Association Ambassador Anita Sarginson, said Nestlé Toque d’Or is an exciting and fast-paced event to be involved in.

“It challenges competitors to achieve great things under tight time constraints and while they are being watched by judges and members of the public,” Anita said.

“Because there is no room for error, teams must be in top form on the day.”

Competing teams were marked against World Chefs Societies International Judging Standards which include food preparation, presentation, taste and service.

“This year’s judges were impressed with the high level of creativity and professionalism demonstrated by the competing students.”

Otago Polytechnic’s winning menu comprised a starter of Akaroa Salmon served on a fennel and baby beet salad, followed by a main of oven roasted New Zealand lamb rack served three ways. The menu concluded with a butter chicken chocolate mousse dessert which incorporated Nestlé Professional products.

A special award sponsored by Moffat which recognises the innovative use of Nestlé Professional products across a team’s menu, went to the Wellington Institute of Technology.

Anita said the event provides a great opportunity for young up-and-coming students to showcase their abilities and demonstrate their skills in front of some of the country’s most highly-regarded culinary professionals.

This year was the 24th anniversary of Nestlé Toque d’Or which is New Zealand’s longest running and most prestigious student cookery and food service event. It is also held in 17 other countries around the world and has launched the careers of world-famous chefs including Jamie Oliver. The event is designed to simulate the pressure of a real working team environment.

Sponsors of this year’s event were: Nestlé Professional, Beef + Lamb New Zealand,, Akaroa Salmon, House of Knives and Moffat.

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Otago Polytechnic Cromwell Campus
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