Experts on workforce training, sustainability, and future strategies are set to share their insights with Business Events Industry Aotearoa’s (BEIA) members at next month’s Ignite the Future conference.
BEIA’s 46th AGM and Annual Conference will be held in Hawke’s Bay at Napier Conference Centre from 4 to 6 October, and opened on Wednesday 5 October by Minister for Tourism and Economic Development, Hon Stuart Nash who is also MP for Napier.
Delegates will be welcomed by the two city Mayors – Kirsten Wise Mayor of Napier, and Sandra Hazlehurst Mayor of Hastings, and local kaumātua (elders) will greet delegates with a mihi whakatau (speech of welcome) and waiata (song).
BEIA Chief Executive, Lisa Hopkins says the conference kicks off with an interactive workshop on the big issues facing the sector, and BEIA’s strategy for the way forward.
“As we face limited staffing resources, added pressure on venues, and shorter lead times, Covid has made us think differently. Industry experts will give perspectives on the three most challenging subjects for our sector right now – people training and professional development, sustainability initiatives, and customer expectations.
“Our industry members can take a deep dive into the subjects critical to our sector’s success going forward, and there will be plenty of chance for feedback,” she says.
Supported by Tourism New Zealand Business Events, delegates will be briefed on an international skills initiative from the International Congress and Convention Association (ICCA) by Waikin Wong Regional Director for Asia Pacific based in Malaysia, who will be visiting New Zealand for the conference.
Ringa Hora Workforce Development Council will look at vocational training opportunities for the business events industry and share plans to develop future qualifications for the sector.
Megan Williams, sustainability advocate from Tourism Industry Aotearoa (TIA) will present on creating and delivering a sustainability accreditation for the business events sector.
Predicting and meeting customer expectations will be covered from the point of view of clients. Professional conference organisers, Rachel Cook, Conference Innovators, Lee Picken from Lime and Soda, and The Events Group’s Meredith Drucker are joining a panel for an in-depth knowledge session.
The Ignite the Future deep dive is designed by Oscar Cerezales, Chief Strategy Officer at MCI Group, and facilitated by Susan Sawbridge, a New Zealand major events strategist and expert.
One of New Zealand’s most well-respected and recognisable names, media presenter Hilary Barry will start day two with her take on the ultimate storytelling, sponsored by Celebrity Speakers.
The new space at ToiToi – Hawke’s Bay Arts and Event Centre is the venue for a Great Gatsby-themed dinner – Deco, Diamonds, and Decadence – on 6 October, with Outstanding Contributor Awards for 2021 and 2022 to be presented.
Online registration for members and non-members is open on the Ignite The Future conference website.
Hawke’s Bay to host Ignite the Future conference
Kimberley Dixon September 21, 2022

One of New Zealand’s most well-respected and recognisable names, media presenter Hilary Barry will speak on day two of the conference.