Hospitality Business Magazine

Take a fresh look for NZ Cheese month

Kiwis are being encouraged to try new cheeses in October to celebrate New Zealand Cheese Month.

A regular event on the country’s food calendar, New Zealand Cheese Month is an initiative created and organised by the New Zealand Specialist Cheesemakers Association, to draw attention to the value of the local cheese industry.

NZ Cheese Month occurs in October because it aligns with the early days of spring, with warmth and soil moisture creating lush, green grass for animals to feast on. Sheep and goat milking resumes and there is plenty of fresh cheese available for cheese lovers.

NZSCA Chair, Catherine McNamara says the country’s cheesemaking industry is constantly evolving and she’s encouraging cheese lovers to take a fresh look and try something new.

“From its beginnings with the European settlers in the early 1800s, through to the present day; the art of cheesemaking has thrived in Aotearoa thanks to the environment producing some of the world’s best milk.

“This is reflected in the success small and large New Zealand cheese producers have enjoyed on the international stage. Now, more than ever, it is vitally important Kiwis support local cheesemakers to ensure their survival.

“On behalf of cheesemakers across the country I encourage consumers to look out for and purchase New Zealand cheese. Supporting delicious, locally made cheese will ensure it’s here for generations to come.”

Catherine says as well as enjoyment – there are sound economic reasons for Kiwis to buy New Zealand Cheese. “Buying locally made cheese keeps jobs and money in our country. It’s also supporting our regions as many of the cheesemakers and the farms which support them are in rural areas. Buying New Zealand cheese reduces food miles!”

NZ Champions of Cheese 2021 Master Judge Jason Tarrant, has a life-long love of cheese and can trace the evolution of New Zealand’s cheese industry through to today’s myriad options.

“When I started in the industry I recall speciality cheese was mostly confined to Camembert, Blue Vein and Cheddar. Who can forget deep-fried Camembert and the Family Block of Cheddar?

“The 1980s and 1990s brought huge expansion with the development of our what have become some of our most iconic cheesemaking companies; Puhoi Valley, East Tamaki Dairy Co, Whitestone Cheese Co, Kapiti and Ferndale Dairies – to name only a few.

“Economic headwinds led to industry consolidation in the 2000’s fuelled in part by imported EU subsidised cheeses coming into New Zealand and making it nigh-on impossible for New Zealand cheesemakers to compete because the country’s milk price is driven by export commodity returns – making it variable and often too expensive.

“Fortunately, in recent times we’ve seen a resurgence of boutique cheesemakers setting up business creating quality cheese which they’re selling online, at farmers’ markets, specialty stores and supermarkets.

“It’s no secret New Zealand’s milk quality is amongst some of the best in the world – thanks to the fact the majority of animals are raised and fed outdoors. Additionally, the growth of milk types and their potential health benefits has led to a diverse range of speciality cheeses made from cow, sheep, buffalo, goat and even deer milk.

“I’ve been lucky to have tried many of these new cheeses – most are fantastic and reflect the milk source and cheesemakers’ vision, imagination and passion. Knowing the market as I do – I encourage Kiwis to try a new cheese safe in the knowledge they will enjoy a quality product which will likely become a new favourite, and support local jobs.”