Hospitality Business Magazine

New Muffin Break Lower Carb Muffins

rsz_muffin_break_lower_carb_muffinAs you may know last Saturday was World Diabetes Day. The number of Kiwis diagnosed with diabetes exceeds 200,000 (predominantly type 2 diabetes) according to the Ministry of Health, and more than 40 Kiwis are diagnosed with diabetes every day.

Enter the tasty, lower carb range that Muffin Break offers its customers – especially useful for those who face a battle with diabetes. Each muffin contains 1.5 exchanges— handy for those who have diabetes and need to ensure they have a regular amount of carbohydrate over the course of the day.

Making these muffins truly unique is the fact that they were developed by members of the Muffin Break team who have a personal experience with the disease. The Lower Carb Muffin was inspired by Muffin Break Australia Brand Manager, John Macphail and his son Ewan – who are both diabetics. The product was developed by John’s wife Natalie Brennan, who worked with Muffin Break’s National Services and Support Manager to develop something suitable for her family and other Muffin Break customers.