Hospitality Business Magazine

Smart operator workshop in Sydney

Ken Burgin, a regular contributor to our sister magazine Hospitality (Australia).

Interested in improving your café or restaurant? Do you need help to raise menu profits, and handle staff issues?

A one day workshop for café and restaurant owners is to be held on March 18, featuring guest speaker George Dannaoui, co-owner of the Moody Chef cafes on Sydney’s north shore.

Dannaoui has been in the hospitality industry for 13 years and will spend the day sharing insights about the development of his businesses including menus, profit planning, cost control, marketing, staff management and finance.

Other guests include Ryan McCarthy from Reduction Revolution, who will talk about cutting energy costs, and Dru Gillan of Service Industry Legal Service who will discuss Fair Work changes and wages.

Attendees will also have the opportunity to participate in a kitchen tour of the Moody Chef Café and are encouraged to bring in their own menus for professional review.  Host for the day will be  Ken Burgin, founder of Profitable Hospitality and a regular contributor to Hospitality magazine (Australia). Other topics covered will include:

  • 2017 Trends and challenges for smart operators
  • Q&A with guest speakers
  • Marketing and social media success tactics

All coffee, refreshments, lunch and workshop activities are provided on the day and included in the ticket price. Click here to find further details – Don’t miss out, RSVP by 13th March.